
Graduated from Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan

- studies at the Faculty for Philosophy and History (graduation 1972); master thesis: „Blaise Pascal and his epoch”

Faculty member of the Institute of Philosophy (Adam Mickiewicz University) (since November 1973)

Academic titles:

- PhD in Philosophy (1976), dissertation: „Blaise Pascal’s paradoxical thinking. The study in the antinomies of reason and faith

- DLitt in Philosophy (1987); habilitation dissertation: „Intellectualism and naturalism in modern French philosophy. Selected representatives”.

- Professor of humanities (1994)

Present academic position: ordinary professor



modern philosophy (especially French)

philosophy of religion (especially Christian)


1. Publication:  30 monographs, 32 edited collections (co-authored), as well as over 250 academic and popular science articles


2. Papers presented at conferences:

- a dozen international conferences /including in France, Italy, Spain, Austria, USA, Canada, Hungary and Ukraine /

- several dozen conferences in Poland

- organiser of over 30 conferences


3. Leader of research projects: 

- 1999 – 2001: „Religious sects in contemporary Europe”

- 2002 - 2003 „Cults, sects, new religious movements as contemporary challenges”


4. International academic internships and language courses

- Centre d’Histoire des Sciences et des Doctrines CNRS (Paris– 1989 r.)

- Goethe-Institut (Berlin – 1991 r.)


5. International academic co-operation:

- National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) in France

- Society for Frankophone Philosophy (A.S.P.L.F.)  in France


6. Management of university units:

- since 1991 until February 2011; Chair of History and Philosophy of Religion in the Institute of Philosophy (AMU)

- 1991 – 1993; Deputy Director of the Institute of Philosophy (AMU)

- 1993 – 96; Deputy Dean for Academic Research at the Faculty of Social Sciences (AMU)

- since September 2008; Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences (AMU)

- since march 2011; Chair of Religious and Comparative Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences (AMU)


7. Management of enterprises outside of the university:

- since 1992; head of Humaniora: Foundation for Humanities

- since 1993; chief editor at the Publishing House of the Humaniora Foundation

- since 2001; Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies


8. Membership of editorial boards: 

- since 2000; deputy editor of „Przegląd Religioznawczy” [„Review of Religious Studies”]


9. Elected positions in management boards:

- Polish Society for Religious Studies

- Humaniora Foundation /board director/

- Centre for Interdisciplinary Research /board director/


10. Membership in academic associations:

- Polish Philosophical Society

- Polish Society for Religious Studies